As you can see by the existence of this page, there is more here than just stuff to listen to. You can:

Also, I got these tracks from various CD's like the soundtrack from American Graffiti and Dirty Dancing as well as the various Greatist hits albums. One of the things I hope that this site does for the younger visitors is encourage them to get these albums. Don't forget. I've only put the things that I liked here since space is at a premium. Otherwise some of the performers would have 20 tracks each and this site would no longer be what I want it to be. So do look into them either at Amazon, your music store or the library.

other things I plan to do is feature items from the time period as pictures and maybe links to pages and things of that sort. Thus you will also be able to learn what is now history but what to us was current events in a painless way. I would also like to crosslink with bands and performers who do this kind of material live websites and maybe if I can, a perfomance scehdule. As with Space Patrol's "Live The Continuing Adventure...", When I say "We mean to be your portal to the music of the Satellite Era" I was not B.S.'ing.

Finally: I would like to meet the owners of other such sites, perhaps we can crosslink and traid tracks. The only restrictions I place on being listed here are